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Goal Setting Diversity

Wednesday, October 30 | 9:00 - 10:30 am PST

Goal-setting strategies optimized for your brain and lifestyle


You ever try to set goals for yourself and ended up falling short, over-committing, or simply forgetting they exist entirely?


Goal setting is both an art and a science and is most definitely not a one-size-fits-all practice.


Join me for this special workshop all about goal setting including:


  • Different types of goal setting strategies and how to pick the best style for you based on your brain and lifestyle

  • Goal setting for neurodiverse brains

  • What kinds of goals entrepreneurs should be setting every month

  • How to set goals when it feels like you're just guessing or feeling your way in the dark

  • Creating your own goal-setting roadmap so that you can feel confident, clear, and freaking awesome by actually achieving your goals!





*Replay will be sent out if you can't make it live.

Goal Setting Should Feel Fun!

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